Imprint | Helvetic Airways

Where would you like to fly?


Do you still need somewhere to stay? Book a hotel with our partner HRS.

Go to the hotel offers

Rent car

Do you want to get there faster and independently? Book a rental car with our partner Sunnycars.

Go to the rental cars

Check in easily online

Our Helvetic Airways online check-in allows you to check in easily at home, select your preferred seat and print out your boarding pass.

Vai al check-in online


Registered office
Helvetic Airways
Egglirain 24
8832 Wilen

Authorised representatives
Tobias Pogorevc, CEO

Commercial register entry
Registered company name: Helvetic Airways
Number: CH13000063248
Commercial registry office: Kloten

  • Exclusion of liability

    The author provides no guarantee with regard to the correctness of the content of the information or its accuracy, currency, reliability or completeness.
    Any liability claims against the author due to material or non-material damage arising as a result of access to or use / failure to use the published information, due to misuse of the connection or due to technical disruptions are excluded.
    All offers are non-binding. The author explicitly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete parts of the website or the entire service or to temporarily or finally discontinue the publication without a separate announcement.

    Liability for links
    References or links to websites of third parties lie outside our sphere of responsibility. We do not accept any responsibility for such websites. Users access and use such websites at their own risk.
  • Copyrights

    The copyrights and all other rights to content, images, photographs or other files on the website belong exclusively to the company Helvetic Airways or the specifically named right holders. The prior written consent of the copyright holders must be obtained for the reproduction of any elements.
  • Data privacy provisions of Helvetic Airways

    Status 25/05/2018

    Based on Article 13 of the Swiss Federal Constitution and the provisions under data protection law of the Federal Government (Data Protection Act, DSG), every person is entitled to protection of his or her privacy and to protection against misuse of his/her personal data. We comply with these provisions.


    This data privacy statement applies for Helvetic Airways AG.
    In these data privacy statements, we explain for what purposes we collect personal data. We collect and process your personal data carefully and only for the purposes depicted. We review our data privacy provisions at regular intervals and will update them as required. We will inform you about fundamental changes.

    Data security

    We protect your personal data through suitable security measures and on protected servers. The website is protected by appropriate technical and organisational measures against loss, destruction and manipulation and against access, alteration or dissemination by unauthorised persons. Particularly sensitive data (e.g. access data to the profile account) will be encrypted (SSL) during transmission over the Internet.

    Personal data

    We only request your personal data where it is required to provide the services we offer.

    Retention of customer data

    The personal data collected to handle bookings is usually retained for accounting reasons for 10 years after the last booking transaction. Other data is retained for as long as this is necessary to safeguard our rights. Longer statutory and operational retention obligations are reserved.
    Personal data that has been collected as the result of marketing measures will be deleted as soon as the purpose of the measure has been met.

    Forwarding to third parties

    If the handling of the contract so necessitates, your data will be transferred to the corresponding partners. If we forward data to external service providers, technical and organisational measures will be taken that guarantee that the forwarding is done in compliance with the statutory data protection provisions. In addition, we only forward your data to external service providers if this is necessary to handle the contract and these service providers have agreed to the corresponding confidentiality and the provisions of due care. Furthermore, we only forward your data if we are obligated to do so by law, by regulatory or by court orders.

    Rights of customers

    As a customer, you have the right to information, restriction of processing and deletion of your data. Statutory exceptions and the compliance with our retention obligations remain reserved. More information on this can be found under Retention of customer data”.
    To assert these rights, please contact us at the following email address: with the subject line “Data protection".

    Data processing

    Booking flights

    The following information is requested when booking flights:
    • First name
    • Surname
    • Date of birth (in the case of children and infants)
    • Residential address
    • Telephone number
    • Email address

    In certain cases, health information will also be saved that could have an effect on the process of the flights booked (only in the case of passengers with special medical requirements). The personal data collected will be used for the following purposes:

    • Booking, changing bookings, cancellation of a flight
    • Communication in connection with a flight
    • Payment transactions
    • Check-in administration
    • Provision of the flight

    Web check-in

    For web check-in, the passport number or the ID card number will also be requested for flights to or from non-Schengen countries.


    During the registration for the Helvetic Airways newsletter, first name, surname and email address are communicated to us. In addition, the IP address and the time of the registration are saved. The double opt-in procedure is used for the registration. Double opt-in means that the registration is not activated until a link in a confirmation e-mail has been clicked. If you do not wish to receive any more newsletters from Helvetic Airways, you can unsubscribe from it directly in the newsletter. We use Mailchimp to send out our newsletters. Mailchimp is a newsletter mailing platform of US provider Rocket Science Group, LLC, 675 Ponce De Leon Ave NE #5000, Atlanta, GA 30308, USA.

    Passenger survey

    When you participate in our passenger survey, you also have the possibility of participating in a prize draw for flight vouchers. In order to participate in the draw, your surname, first name, telephone number and email address will be requested in order to be able to contact you if you win. In each case, the data will be deleted at the end of the year.


    If you contact us using the contact form or by email, the data indicated by you will be used to process your enquiry. The provision of the data is necessary to process and answer your enquiry - if it is not provided, we cannot answer your enquiry, or at best only to a limited extent.

    Forwarding of data to authorities at home and abroad

    For regulatory and statutory reasons, Helvetic Airways is obligated to forward certain booking and personal data to authorities at home and abroad.

    Transfer of passenger name record (PNR) data

    • As of 25 May 2018, the air carriers operating from Switzerland are committed to transfer passenger name record (PNR) data to the EU member States to which they operate. This transfer is required by the Directive (EU) 2016/681 on the use of passenger name record (PNR) data for the prevention, detection, investigation and prosecution of terrorist offences and serious crime (, the corresponding national implementation laws in the EU member states and is made in respect of the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection.

    • Passenger Name Record (PNR) data is information provided by passengers and collected by air carriers for enabling reservations and carrying out the check-in process. It is a record of each passenger's travel requirements held in carriers' reservation and departure control systems. It may contain a wide range of information, such as dates of travel, travel itinerary, ticket information, contact details, travel agent, means of payment, seat number and baggage information, as listed in the Annex I to the Directive (EU) 2016/681. This information is transmitted to the so-called Passenger Information Units (PIU) of the EU member states where a flight departs and arrives. The PIUs are authorized to analyze and proceed them in order to prevent, detect, investigate and prosecute serious crime and terrorist of-fences. They are also authorized to transfer the PNR data to their competent authorities, to the corresponding PIUs of the other Member States and to Europol.

    • Every passenger has a right to protection of their personal data, rights of access, rectification, erasure and restriction as well as rights to compensation and judicial redress as laid down in the Swiss Federal Act on Data Protection (art. 15) or the Directive (EU) 2016/680 on the protection of natural per-sons with regard to the processing of personal data by competent authorities for the purposes of the prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution of criminal offences or the execution of criminal penalties, and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Council Framework Decision ( (art. 12-17).

      • Data processing by third parties

        Helvetic Airways sends personal data to third parties to fulfil the purposes given below. In the process, Helvetic Airways ensures that the external data recipients take the necessary measures to protect the personal data.
        The external recipients include:
        • State organisations and authorities
        • Partner companies
        • Service providers in the area of payment services
        • Service providers in the area of ground handling
        • Service providers in the area of transport
        • Platforms for mailing newsletters

        Log files

        When accessing our websites, the following data is saved in log files: IP address, date, time, browser request and general information transmitted about the operating system and the browser respectively. This usage data forms the basis for statistical, anonymous analyses so that trends are discernible, based on which we can improve our services accordingly.


        Helvetic Airways uses cookies in order to improve the quality of its services. Cookies are small files that are saved on your device when you use Helvetic Airways Internet pages. At all times, you have the choice to set your browser so that no cookies are saved. Cookies that have already been saved can be deleted at any time.

        Web analysis services

        Google Analytics

        This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. ("Google"). Google Analytics uses “cookies”, text files that are saved on your computer and that facilitate an analysis of your usage of the website. The information generated by cookies regarding your usage of this website is usually transferred to a server of Google in the US and saved there. In the event of IP anonymisation being activated on this website, however, your IP address will be truncated beforehand by Google within Member States of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area.
        The full IP address will only be transmitted to a server of Google in the US and saved there in exceptional cases. Google will use this information in order to analyse your usage of the website in order to compile reports on the website activities for the website operators and in order to provide other services associated with the website usage and the Internet usage. Google may also transfer this information to third parties if this is stipulated by law or if third parties process this data on behalf of Google. The IP address communicated by your browser within the framework of Google Analytics will not be merged with other data of Google.
        You can prevent the installation of the cookies by a corresponding setting in your browser software; we would, however, like to point out to you that in this case you may not be able to use all of the functions of this website in full. By using this website, you declare that you are in agreement with the processing of the data collected about you by Google in the form and manner described above and for the aforementioned purpose

        Social plug-ins


        Plug-ins of the social network Facebook, 1601 South California Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA are integrated on our pages. You can recognise the Facebook plug-ins by the Facebook logo or the “Like” button on our site. An overview of the Facebook plug-ins can be found here: When you visit our pages, a direct connection between your browser and the Facebook server is established via the plug-in. Facebook thus receives the information that you have visited our site with your IP address. If you click on the Facebook “Like” button while you are logged into your Facebook account, you can link the content of our pages to your Facebook profile. Facebook can thus assign the visit to our pages to your user account. We would like to point out that, as the provider of the site, we do not have any knowledge of the content of the data communicated or of its usage by Facebook. Further information on this can be found in the data privacy statement of Facebook at

        If you do not want Facebook to be able to assign the visit to our site to your Facebook user account, please log out of your Facebook user account.


        Plug-ins of Instagram which is operated by Instagram LLC., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, CA 94025, USA (“Instagram”) are used on our website. The plug-ins are marked with an Instagram logo, for instance in the form of an “Instagram camera”. When you call up a page of our web presence that contains such a plug-in, your browser establishes a direct link to the servers of Instagram. The content of the plug-in will be communicated by Instagram directly to your browser and integrated into the page. Through this integration Instagram obtains the information that your browser has called up the corresponding page of our website presence, even if you do not have an Instagram profile or are not currently logged into Instagram. This information (including your IP address) will be communicated by your browser directly to a server of Instagram in the US and saved there. If you are logged into Instagram, Instagram can directly assign the visit to our website to your Instagram account. When you interact with the plug-ins, for instance, activating the “Instagram” button, this information will also be communicated directly to a server of Instagram and saved there. The information will also be published on your Instagram account and displayed there to your contacts. The purpose and scope of the data collection and the further processing and usage of the data by Instagram and your rights and setting options in this regard to protect your privacy can be found in the data protection information from Instagram:

        If you do not want Instagram to assign data collected via our web presence directly to your Instagram account, you must log out of Instagram before you visit our website

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  • Cookie Policy
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